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A strong support team and eating well can support healthy growth and development into adulthood and play a role in lowering the risk of suicide in young people. These two factors can:


  • Improve a child’s health

  • help maintain a healthy weight

  • avoid certain health problems

  • stabilize their moods

  • sharpen their minds


Having support and basic meals can have an effect on a child’s sense of mental and emotional well being, helping to prevent conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and ADHD.


The Noble Man aims to support youth and young adults in their overall development by providing referrals to resources in their communities and collecting non-perishable food items at our events to provide their families. We partner with local teacher and other organizations to identify children and teens in need of the resources to help support their efforts.


If you are able to provide a resource or would like to make a donation to the program, contact us.


The impact on homeless individuals is not equal across groups. Since 2015, some populations have experienced growths in unsheltered homelessness that far surpass 35 percent. Of specific concern are people who are transgender (231 percent increase), Asian (83 percent increase), Latino (77 percent increase), and American Indian (61 percent increase). Source


Our Feed The Homeless Program provides meals and emotional, mental, and spiritual support to individuals in our communities. We can touch people any and everywhere we are in the United States. We realize feeding individuals is more than providing a meal. Sometimes, we just need someone to help guide us to the right resource.


The Noble Man Community Health & Awareness program focuses on bringing together individuals and organizations in our community to share available resources. Together, we are able to reach more individuals in need of support and also bridge the gap between individuals, groups, and organization. 


Community Health & Awareness is a major component of the Feed The Mind and Feed The Homeless programs. They would not be possible without resources to support each program's initiative.


Each of us can make a difference and positive impact in our community. We challenge you to be Noble and join us in providing support to someone in need. Contact us to learn ways to provide support.




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